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Klara Wade

OE competition experts publish research in JEEA

Our colleagues and competition experts, Charlotte Evensen and Simen Ulsaker, have had an article accepted in the prestigious Journal of European Economic Association. The article is about the competition between grocery stores and general merchandise stores, asking: How is a grocery store affected when a general merchandise store establishes itself in the area?

Jon Ellingsen

Micro data for macroconomic questions – today Jon Ellingsen defends his doctoral dissertation

Today our colleague Jon Ellingsen defends his dissertation titled “Essays in prediction, expectation formation, and labor economics”, at BI Norwegian […]

Halvard disputerer

Health, well-being, and social exclusion in the Norwegian education system and labor market – Halvard Sandvik Jansen defended his Ph.D.

Our colleague Halvard Sandvik Jansen defended his doctoral dissertation “Empirical Essays on Health, Educational Attainment, and Labor Market Exclusion” for […]

Nærbilde av internett-kabel

The broadband demand in Norway in 2030

Oslo Economics has, on behalf of the Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom), analyzed the broadband needs of Norwegian end-users in 2030, as well as the technologies that can meet those needs.

What economic and administrative consequences can arise from the introduction of a third legal gender category?

The Norwegian Child Welfare, Youth, and Family Directorate (Bufdir) has conducted an assessment regarding the introduction of a third legal […]


Norwegian foundations’ annual value contribution is estimated to over 58 billion NOK

Foundations in Norway account for over 58 billion in annual value creation, as revealed by a comprehensive survey conducted by […]

iStock 13400

What measures should the Norwegian government introduce in order to develop hydrogen value chains in Norway?

Society is facing significant transformations if we are to achieve our climate goals, and hydrogen can become an important part […]

Tegning av smarttelefon med stemmeurne

What are the possibilities and risks associated with electronic voting? 

Oslo Economics and the Norwegian Computing Center have conducted a knowledge acquisition on electronic and internet-based solutions for voting. This provides a foundation for assessing the possibilities, risks, benefits, and costs of various solutions in relation to each other. 

Private funding of research, development, and research-based innovation

The Norwegian government aims for investments in research and development in Norway to increase to three percent of GDP. The […]

How vulnerable is Norway to crises in global supply chains?

Over the past decades, markets for goods and services have evolved towards globalized and international value and supply chains. International […]

How to create solid decision bases for investments in the power grid?

The consumption of electricity in Norway is expected to increase rapidly and significantly. Norway also needs a substantial increase in […]

What influences future power consumption in the Norwegian industrial sector?

Norway is an energy nation with favorable conditions for power-intensive industries. Currently, the industry sector accounts for a high share […]