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Potential for increased use of the Norwegian trainee scheme

All Nordic countries allow students from countries outside the EEA to be interns in their own country. We have, in collaboration with lawyer Vegard Bahus and the Frisch Centre, evaluated the scheme and regulations that grant temporary residence and work permits for trainees from countries outside the EEA.

The proposal of a special compensation scheme to the “oil pioneers”

“Oil pioneers” have suffered health damages after being exposed to chemicals and toxic materials during their work offshore. A commission is now set up to create a compensation scheme for these pioneers.

Damages for municipality reduced by half in Court of Appeals verdict based on Oslo Economics’ analysis

Bodø municipality was convicted in the District Couurt to pay MNOK 90 in damages for a violation of public procurement law. The municipality appealed the verdict, and Oslo Economics has assisted the municipality in evaluating the plaintiff’s calucation, and to prepare adjusted damage estimations. The Court of Appeals reduced the damage fee to MNOK 45, which is consistent with Oslo Economics’ estimate.

Potential for improvement in treatment of lipid lowering drugs

Do patients take medication as prescribed or is there a potential for improvement?

Oslo Economics have presented their ongoing study on myasthenia gravis in the U.S. and Denmark 

Oslo Economics, UCB Pharma and the University of Bergen are currently collaborating on a research project about the societal costs of myasthenia in Norway.

How can we motivate seniors to stay longer in their health care professions?

On behalf of The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Oslo Economics will investigate work participation among seniors in the health care sector.

Oslo Economics has moved

We have moved into new offices in Vika, just a stone’s throw away from our previous home

Oslo Economics expands internationally

Oslo Economics continues its strong growth by entering the German and EU market with a presence in Berlin.

Knowledge gathering – electronic voting

Oslo Economics and Norsk Regnesentral will carry out a study on electronic voting.

Torben Mideksa joins Oslo Economics as Associate Partner

We are pleased to welcome Torben Mideksa as Associate Partner at Oslo Economics.

Mid-term evaluation of the Adina Foundation Uganda’s project

Oslo Economics is conducting a mid-term evaluation of the Adina Foundation Uganda’s (AFU) project «Lira Rehabilitation Center». AFU operates a rehabilitation center in Lira, Uganda that offers comprehensive support for children with physical disabilities in the Lango district.

Evaluation of the work relevance in Norwegian nursing education

Oslo Economics will evaluate the work relevance in Norwegian nursing education for the local health services.