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Photo credit: saiko3p

Oslo Economics assigned with exploring the future of coastal shipping in Norway

Oslo Economics has been commissioned by the Ministry of Transport to explore various aspects of the coastal route operation between Bergen and Kirkenes. In this context, we will examine transportation needs for passengers and freight, environmental impacts, and the potential for tightening environmental requirements.

Oslo Economics celebrates its 15 year anniversary!

With pride, we reach this milestone with the strongest professional community of all time and exciting challenges from our clients. […]

Oslo Economics celebrates 15 years!

We mark the anniversary with reflection on our role as a leading voice in societal decision-making and with an anniversary celebration. We look forward to celebrating with almost 400 participants today.

Expert testimony in multimillion Euro “earn-out” damages case

Oslo Economics has recently acted as economic expert in a dispute about earn-out payments connected to an alleged breach of a best-effort clause in a shares purchase agreement.

Jon Ellingsen

Micro data for macroconomic questions – today Jon Ellingsen defends his doctoral dissertation

Today our colleague Jon Ellingsen defends his dissertation titled “Essays in prediction, expectation formation, and labor economics”, at BI Norwegian […]

Oslo Economics has moved

We have moved into new offices in Vika, just a stone’s throw away from our previous home