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Ragnhild Haugli Bråten to Oslo Economics

We are pleased to welcome Ragnhild Haugli Bråten to Oslo Economics. She is currently completing a PhD in Economics at […]

Agreement with the Norwegian National Rail Administration on economics and statistics

Oslo Economics has signed a framework agreement with Norwegian National Rail Administration on economics and statistics. The agreement has a […]

New report: Evaluation of competitive tendering of highway ferries

Oslo Economics has evaluated the competitive tendering of highway ferry services and concludes that it largely has been successful. It […]

Data and statistics on public procurement

The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) has assigned Oslo Economics to consider how information and data on public […]

Electronic communication in public procurement

The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) has assigned Oslo Economics to conduct an economic evaluation of electronic competition […]

Calculation of diversion ratios in the A-pressen case

In an increasing number of merger cases the Competition Authorities use economic “evidence” in their case handling, and in particular […]

Jostein Skaar to Oslo Economics

We are pleased to welcome Jostein Skaar to Oslo Economics. Jostein has served as director at the Norwegian Competition Authority […]

Centralization of IT functions in governmental bodies

The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) has assigned Oslo Economics a study of possible functions within ICT and […]

Olympics / Paralympics Oslo 2022

Oslo Economics has been assigned a framework contract with the city of Oslo to assist in the planning of Oslo’s […]

Social impact of professional football

Oslo Economics assists the federation of Norwegian football teams, Norsk Toppfotball, in reporting the economic, social and environmental impact. The […]

Search and Rescue Helicopters

Oslo Economics has undertaken a quality assurance of the Ministry of Justice and Public security’s action plan to keep the […]

Impact of digitization of government forms

Oslo Economics is assisting the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs in an impact assessment of increased digitization […]

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