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Stroke management in atrial fibrillation patients with rheumatoid arthritis

In collaboration with REMEDY-Centre for Treatment of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases at Diakonhjemmet hospital, we have published an article investigating stroke management in atrial fibrillation patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The investigation relies on Norwegian registry data from hospitals and pharmacies.

Number of assignments for interpreting services increased significantly in 2023

Oslo Economics’ estimates that the number of assignments for interpreting services carried out in spoken languages increased with approximately 40 percent from 2022 to 2023. The equivalent increase in assignments for deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind was around 4 percent

Who’s Who Legal 2024

Oslo Economics remains the economics consultancy with most competition experts recognized by Who’s Who Legal in the Nordics. 

International experiences with primary health care teams

This week, Oslo Economics participated in a research workshop on international experiences with primary health care teams, together with researchers from Norway, France, Germany, and Canada.

Framework agreement on merger remedy assessments

Oslo Economics, jointly with Schjødt, was recently awarded a framework agreement with the DG Competition of the European Commission on remedy assessments and interim measures.

Evaluation of the use of financial intelligence by the Norwegian police in anti-money laundering efforts

On behalf of the Police Directorate, Oslo Economics and KPMG conducted an evaluation of the Norwegian police’s use of financial intelligence.

Evaluation of measures in primary healthcare services

On behalf of the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Oslo Economics and the University of Oslo, in collaboration with several subject matter experts, are conducting a follow-up evaluation of measures in primary healthcare services. This year’s evaluation shows that the situation for general practitioners appears to have improved, while there are still significant challenges related to the population’s access to general medical services.

Photo credit: saiko3p

Oslo Economics assigned with exploring the future of coastal shipping in Norway

Oslo Economics has been commissioned by the Ministry of Transport to explore various aspects of the coastal route operation between Bergen and Kirkenes. In this context, we will examine transportation needs for passengers and freight, environmental impacts, and the potential for tightening environmental requirements.

Oslo Economics celebrates its 15 year anniversary!

With pride, we reach this milestone with the strongest professional community of all time and exciting challenges from our clients. […]

Oslo Economics celebrates 15 years!

We mark the anniversary with reflection on our role as a leading voice in societal decision-making and with an anniversary celebration. We look forward to celebrating with almost 400 participants today.

Merger cleared between TGS and PGS in Norway

Oslo Economics have assisted Schjødt with providing legal councel during the merger investigation related to the merger of two companies, TGS and PGS. Both companies are significant players in the marine seismic data sector.

EFTA Court annuls decision ordering recovery of unlawful stated aid

Oslo Economics conducted economic analyses of the data ESA used in its decision, on behalf of Arntzen de Besche and Thommessen who represented Eviny AS.

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