A stable housing and living situation can be of great importance for well-being and the probability of completing upper secondary education. In Nordland, the decline in pupils has led to a tightening of the upper secondary education offer. It has provided fewer options for students in the county. Oslo Economics will, on behalf of Nordland County Municipality, gather information about pupils on upper secondary education schools in Nordland, who has to live away from home during upper secondary education. The project is mainly carried out as a survey among upper secondary students in the county.
A good knowledge base about groups that may be in a vulnerable situation is critical in order to be able to offer a good educational opportunities that is adapted to the students’ needs. Nordland County Municipality’s most important goal in upper secondary education is for more young people to complete and pass upper secondary education. Nordland County Municipality has decided that a survey of students in upper secondary school living in dormitories will be carried out, something that Oslo Economics is now embarking on. The final report will be available in the early autumn of 2022.