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Janis Umblijs to Oslo Economics

We are pelased to welcome Janis Umblijs to Oslo Economics. Janis holds a PhD in economics from Trinity College Dublin. He has studied effects […]

Minimum requirements for backup power in mobile networks

The Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority (NPT) has decided that the owners of the Norwegian mobile network must ensure that the […]

Benefits of electronic procurement prosesses

Oslo Economics is assisting the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment  (Difi) on guiding the public secor on realising benefits of electronic procurement […]

Analysis of digitalisation initatives

On behalf of the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi), Oslo Economics is studying the impact of various digitalisation initiatives – digital […]

Quality assurance of development of hospitals

The specialist health care provider in the southern part of Norway, Sørlandet Sykehus HF, has analysed its development until 2030. […]

Proposed investments in “Buskerudbyen” are too extensive

On behalf of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport and Communications, Oslo Economics has in cooperation with Terramar […]

The transport system in Ålesund should be developed

On behalf of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport and Communications, Oslo Economics and Terramar have performed quality […]

Benchmark on graphic services

Oslo Economics is performing a benchmarking of the Graphic Centre in The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen). The Graphic Centre […]

Report on incentive scemes for film and television production

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture, Oslo Economics has studied the use of incentive schemes for film and television […]

Dag Morten Dalen to Oslo Economics

We are pleased to welcome Dag Morten Dalen as Associated Partner in Oslo Economics. Dag Morten is professor in economics, […]

Alternative analysis of Tromsø Museum – Universitetsmuseet

In collaboration with Statsbygg, Oslo Economics is preforming the alternative analysis for the “concept study” (KVU) for Tromsø Museum – […]

Quality assurance of the Tønsberg project

In collaboration with the companys Hospitalitet and Terramar, Oslo Economics is performing a quality assurance of construction of new buildings for […]