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Government procurement of postal services increases costs

Oslo Economics has studied how the costs of government procurement of postal services evolve up to 2025 given different assumptions about […]

Possibilites for develoment of county roads in Hordaland

Oslo Economics and Sweco are studying possibilities for developing county roads linked to E39 on the distance Bergen to the county border in Rogaland. […]

Suggested measures between Voss and Arna are comprehensive

On behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Ministry of Finance, Oslo Economics and Terramar have conducted a quality […]

Outlook 2050 for the Norwegian railway

Oslo Economics assists Norwegian National Rail Administration their Outlook 2050.The National Transport Plan 2018-2027 will, in addition to other material, be based on […]

Oslo Economics is a Gazelle in 2014

As in 2013, Oslo Economics is in Dagens Næringsliv (DN) named a Gazelle Company. – We are proud to be […]

Employment on Oslo Airport

Oslo Economics has analysed employment on Oslo Airport, both directly and indirectly. The analysis has been performed on behalf of Akershus County Council in collaboration with […]

Erling N. Faugstad to Oslo Economics

We are pleased to welcome Erling N. Faugstad to Oslo Economics. Erling holds a MSc in Economics and Business Administration from […]

Assessment of NRK’s ability to fulfill it’s mandate

On behalf of  NRK, Oslo Economics has examined the relationship between NRK’s offer of broad content and NRK’s ability to […]

NCA approves Nortura’s acquisition of Prima

The Norwegian Competition Authority (NCA) has approved Nortura’s acquire of Prima Slakt AS and Jæren Eiendomsinvest AS, and 49 percent […]

Localisation of the police in Bergen

The police district in Hordaland is considering building a new police station and new offices in Bergen. On behalf of the […]

Microeconomic study of freight transport

On behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Oslo Economics is performing a microeconomic study of competition between different […]

Competitive tendering and working conditions

On behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Oslo Economics, Actecan and the Work Research Institute have analysed […]