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Competivite tendering and pension schemes

11.02.2014 - Uncategorized

On behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Oslo Economics and Actecan have analysed consequences of competitive tendering for workers’ pension schemes.

We have calculated how competitive tendering affects pensions for examples on workers in the sectors of health care, day care, institutional child welfare and public transport.

The tendering process has not been the same in the sectors, and changes in pensions are therefore different. The calculations showed that retiring before the age of 67 provides the best benefits for contractual pension and public sector pensions. Transition to defined contribution pension scheme could cause reduction in the oldest employees’ pensions. This is due to the fact that they could lose the right to early retirement and. For younger workers, age adjustment reduces the value of the public pension scheme.

Download the report here (in Norwegian).

The report is part of a project on how competitive tendering affects employees’working conditions. For more information on the project, please contact Rolf Sverre Asp.

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