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Successful Information Meeting on Immuno-Oncology

18.03.2015 - Uncategorized

Oslo Economics co-organised an information meeting on Immuno-Oncology on Tuesday 17. March. Immuno-Oncology is a rapidly evolving area in oncology using the body’s own immune system to kill cancer cells. Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen, Associated Partner in Oslo Economics, contributed with a talk on health economic perspectives. Other contributors were the leading researchers Gustav Gaudernack, Paal Fr. Brunsvig and Gunnar Kvalheim, all from OUS, Member of Parliament Sveinung Stensland, Benedikte Thunes Akre from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Øyvind Kongstun Arnesen from Ultimovacs.

The meeting was co-organised with Oslo Cancer Cluster, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Ultimovacs and Gambit Hill+Knowlton.

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