Solveig Borkenhagen holds a Master of Science in Economics (MSc) from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), with specialization within energy, environmental and resource economics. Through the work on her master’s thesis about taxation of land-based wind power in Norway, she was connected to several external research projects.
In Oslo Economics, Solveig has broad evaluation experience especially in areas such as the power market, environmental and natural resources, health services and pharmaceuticals. She has knowledge related to international climate agreements, valuation of natural resources and environmental goods, environmental management systems, and the power market and regulations. Within the health field, Solveig has worked towards health economic analyses, cost of illness analyses and analysis of real-world evidence data. Through project experience Solveig has acquired a broad competence in collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative information, including interviews and surveys, and large amounts of data from register data.